Shamanism in viata de zi cu ziDragi Prieteni!

Va invitam la intalnirea noastra in seara zilei de Marti 13 mai, unde vom discuta despre cum sa folosim intelepciunea antica in societatea noastra moderna si, de asemenea, vom face o calatorie samanica – o practica din cele mai vechi timpuri.
Vom invata si progresa spiritual depasindu-ne temerile si stresul cotidian sau vom perpetua incercarea de a evita momentele dificile care, in cele din urma, ne vor dobori?
Alexander – Northern Deer, fondator si pedagog al scolii spirituale „Lumea Intelepciunii si Aventurii Spirituale”ne va oferi perspectivele si cunostintele sale pe aceasta tema si va impartasi cu noi cateva tehnici de atenuare a stresului si a nelinistii, pentru a gasi pacea sufletului si a mintii in societatea noastra moderna.
Showroom Exotique
Splaiul Unirii 96, Bucuresti
13 MAI
7pm – 9pm


Shamanism in daily life

Dear Friends!

We invite you to our meeting in the evening of Tuesday May 13 where we will talk on the topic of how to use ancient wisdom in our modern society and also do a shamanic journey – a practice of the ancient times.

In our world we sometimes suffer from a lot of anxiety and stress because we have been trapped somehow in the „rat race” of achieving goals, meeting deadlines and proving that we are good or worthy enough! Life is demanding!! There no doubt on that. The problems though lay on how We are dealing with life and our anxieties. Do we learn and progress internally overcoming our fears and stress or we perpetuate the cycles of trying to avoid the difficult moment and then just suffer them?

Alexander – Northern Deer, founder and educator of the spiritual school „The World of Wisdom and Spiritual Adventure” will gives us his insights and knowledge on this matter and share with us some techniques to help alleviating from stress and anxieties, find peace of soul and mind in our modern social world and to live in abundance.

There will be also time for questions and also discussion so you can share your own experiences on this matter!!

Exotique Showroom
96 Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest
MAY 13
7pm – 9pm
„Shamanism in viata de zi cu zi” – 13 Mai 2014